In Our Opinion: Pursue Family-Friendly Policies That Don't Overly Burden Business

The Editorial Board, Desert News, July 11, 2017

"Other pro-family policies provide a wiser approach. Take, for example, Abby McCloskey's proposals on tax reform in the National Review: “Our tax and benefit systems are designed to benefit single-earner households above all else. We impose high effective marginal tax rates on married households in which both spouses work. In a recent report, economists Melissa Kearney and Lesley Turner show how a family headed by a primary earner making $25,000 a year will take home less than 30 percent of a spouse’s earnings under existing policy.” This should change.

Additionally, other reasonable child-care policies, including expanded tax credits for child care and other child-related expenses, can help support working families without putting the direct burden squarely on small business."